Domiciliary Care Services

Personal Care Services

When faced with illness or immobility, it can be a struggle to carry out everyday activities that you may have once performed with ease.

Our discreet personal care service is designed to support you with your day-to-day living, as well as providing you with the encouragement and emotional support that you may need to remain living independently.

Our Personal Care service can support you with getting in and out of your bed, dressing, administering medication, bathing and continence care, at a time to suit your convenience. Maintaining your dignity is of paramount importance to us, which is why our carers will ensure you feel comfortable at all times.

Medication Assistance

You may sometimes forget to take your prescribed medication or may struggle to take it the correct way, which could put your health at serious risk. Our Personal Care team are able to alleviate this worry by prompting you to take your medication and ensure you’re taking the right dosage, at the right time.

If remembering to take your medication is not a problem, but you’re unable to physically take it due to your condition, our carers may be able to help administer your medication, provided there is a clear prescription to follow.


Your personal carer is able to fully support you with your bathing requirements. They can assist you in getting in and out of the bath or shower safely, as well as washing and drying your hair and body, if required. Should you be able to bathe independently, they are able to sit with you and offer support when needed – giving you peace of mind that someone is there to ensure your safety.


We are able to support both your urinary and faecal continence whilst preserving your dignity at all times. Your carer can help you to get to and from the toilet and, where required, will monitor your personal hygiene in order to ensure your health and comfort. This can include changing catheter and stoma bags, incontinence pads, sheets and help with bathing and changing clothing.


Fastening buttons and zips and tying laces are simple processes to most however, for many individuals, such things can become impossible tasks. If you need help getting dressed and undressed, you can rely on our personal care team to provide support to make things easier for you.

Bed Routing

Our Personal Care team are able to assist you getting in and out of bed at a time which suits your own routine. In addition, we can also provide support with hoisting, as required.

Meal Times

As part of our Personal Care service our carers are able to support you with all aspects of meal times. This can include assisting with your weekly shop, helping with the preparation of your meals and managing the food in your house.

House Hold Tasks

Our carers can assist you with light household duties as part of your personal care service, and will help with tasks such as laundry, vacuuming and washing up. In order to maintain your independence, our carers can be on hand to offer support where required.

Night Care Services

We all know that a good nights sleep is essential to everyday health and for the more vulnerable, an unsettled night can lead to greater care requirements throughout the day.

Research has proven that a person’s night-time experiences, have a dramatic effect on their daily care requirements. A poor nights sleep impacts on a person’s ability to undertake daily tasks, can leave them more unsteady on their feet and can result in increased levels of confusion.

In addition, ongoing poor sleep patterns can lead to isolation throughout the day when catching up on sleep. This could result in a person being unable to interact when family and friends visit or may struggle to engage at a level that they normally would and become more anxious about night-time hours.

With this in mind, care and support throughout the night in the form of a night care service, can be as important as providing care throughout the day.

A night care service that adapts to you

We understand that your night care requirements may change as your condition improves or deteriorates. As a result, we offer a flexible night care service that can be regularly reviewed and adapted at any time to suit your needs. Our Night Care service is quite common following a stay in hospital, a change in surroundings or personal circumstances. Initially, you may not know exactly what level of night care support you require during the night. In these cases, we will look to review your night care needs over the first few days of your return home and work closely with you and your family to ensure the safest and most appropriate level of care is provided.


Our carers uphold our reputation and are valued in the community. They are themselves part of our own community of special people wanting to deliver the highest standard of care – upholding the principles of kindness and compassion – to give our clients dignity and respect and their families the greatest gift of all – peace of mind.

Hospital to Home Services

When admitted to the hospital, you may look forward to returning to your own home, to recuperate in the place where you feel most comfortable and relaxed.

With increased care requirements, you may fear that you will not be able to go home and instead will need to move into a nursing or residential home.

Our Hospital to Home service, can enable you to return home after a stay in the hospital. We can help you settle back into your familiar surroundings.

Whether you require a high level of care or just a little support with activities of daily living during your recuperation period, as part of our hospital to home service, we can provide a healthcare assistant or support worker to assist you.


Respite Care

Caring for a loved one is a role that demands a lot of commitment and selflessness, that can take up a lot of emotional and physical energy. It is understandable that at times you will need a break in order to rest and recuperate. In fact, it is important that you take time for yourself every now and then in order to relax and ensure that you can continue to provide the high quality care that your loved one requires.

However, the prospect of leaving your loved one whilst you take a short break from your role or go on holiday can be a daunting one as you want to ensure that your loved one is still well cared for. During this time you may consider hiring a short-term, part-time or live-in carer to care for loved one whilst you are away.

What Does Respite Care Involve?

Respite Care ensures that your loved one’s care and support needs are still met in your absence. This can be less disruptive than putting your loved one into temporary residential care as it means routines continue and that your loved one can remain in familiar surroundings with their local support system. Rivers Halthcare Services respite carers understand that allowing someone else to come into your home can be a tough decision and as such they, recognise the importance of planning this temporary care around your needs, with minimal disruption.

Respite Care can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks depending on your particular needs. Of course, respite care isn’t only available for when you need a break – it can be provided in an emergency situation if you become ill or have to go into hospital at short notice. Respite Care can also be invaluable if you and your loved one want to try out home care for a short period to see whether it works for you.

As with our other care services, respite care can provide support for various conditions including Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Strokes, Cancer, and end of life care. We can help you find temporary live-in or part-time respite care. This has the dual benefit of being more affordable than residential care and keeping your loved one in their own home.

Questions to Ask

If you think you may need Respite Care, you may want to ask some of the following questions:

  • Do you provide part-time or full-time to your loved one?
  • Does your loved one need help while you are away or on a break?
  • Do you need a short break from your responsibilities as a carer?
  • Do you want your loved one to stay in their home whilst you are away?
  • What are your loved one’s specific needs?

Social Companionship Services

The comfort we feel in our home is like no other. It is the place that you feel most relaxed and happy. However, as family members grow up and move into their own homes, you may find your house isn’t as busy as it once was and there aren’t as many people around to give you that extra hand when you need it.

Rivers Healthcare Social Companionship service gives you the support you need to live independently, providing you with the assistance of a healthcare assistant or support worker at times to suit your convenience.

Our Social Companionship service is most suited to individuals who will benefit from having the reassurance that someone is there with them, to offer support when it is needed. It also provides peace of mind for family members who are unable to regularly visit, as they know their loved one is being cared for.

Our carers, who are carefully selected to match your personality and requirements, will provide company and conversation, as well as provide support with household and social activities. Your service is tailored to your requirements and can be adapted to meet your changing needs. We will also arrange for you to meet your carer before your care package commences to ensure that you are happy.

Specialist Care

Rivers Healthcare is a Specialist Care provider providing service for adult clients. We are committed to enabling you or your loved one to continue enjoying an active, rewarding and independent life. Following a careful assessment of your health and social care needs. We will develop a comprehensive person-centred plan of care based on the identified needs. Your care plan is regularly reviewed to ensure its suitability to your health and social care needs.

End of Life Services

When you are suffering from a life-threatening illness, it can be a painful time for both you and your loved ones. Rivers Healthcare staff will support you during this difficult time and respect your wish to be remain in living in the comfort of your own home. This service can be provided at all possible stages of your illness, diagnosis, treatment, cure and death while working in partnership with other appropriate professionals.  

Our End of Life at home service, supports adults who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and wish to remain living in the comfort of their own homes. This service can be provided at all possible stages of illness, diagnosis, treatment, cure, death, and bereavement.

The main objective of our end of life  care at home service, is to achieve the best quality of life for you as well as your family. We understand that your family and friends may have strong feelings about your condition and it may be difficult for you to express your feelings for fear of upsetting them.

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